Background: I had to find a way to go and find the InfoCube that provided a BEx Web Report with data by only having its bookmark available.
Technical Solution: Here are the technical tables and relationships used in order to find the InfoCube name. Copy and paste friendly names of the tables used: RSZWBOOKMARK , RSZWOBJXREF, RSZWVIEW.
Initially before I knew the technical names of the tables, I needed to do some detective work. I needed to find a way to go from a Web Report and find the InfoCube. In case this helps anyone out, here is what I did.
BW Application solution:
1) BEx Web Report:
Open any old BEx Web Report and get its template ID. From the BEx Web Report URL, the template ID is in the URL.
Single out the TEMPLATE_ID within the URL and look at what is after the URL encoded “=”/%3d. So what you should be looking at is “TEMPLATE_ID%3dZ_MARKSZCZ”
2) BEx Web Application Designer:
Now having the TEMPLATE_ID of Z_MARKSZCZ, open up up the Web Application Designer and open up the TEMPLATE_ID.
Looking at the properties of the template, take a look at the Data Provider.
Since the naming convention shows me that it’s a View, open up Analyzer.
3) BEx Analyzer:
Within the Analyzer plugin in Excel, open up a Saved View (ZV_MARKSZCZ).
Click on the Business Explorer: Tools icon and selected Launch in Web Browser/Query (default view).
This will now opened up a new browser window. The URL in this case came up as: http://***.com:8070/sap/bw/bex?sap-language=EN&CMD=LDOC&infocube=CUBE_FOO&query=ZQ_BAR
Looking at the URL, single out infocube and what is after the equals sign is your cube. In this case you should see infocube to be CUBE_FOO
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