Background: I had to write these BSP’s a few times. Once was for a plain vanilla redirector that got its values pushed from another application and a different time is when I needed to create a RESTful web service.
What: BSP application ZBSP_REDIR (SAPlink nugget)
How to use:
Under the Event Handler tab within your BSP. Select the “OnRequest” method.
"For this example, we will be pushing in appname " then we will use our make believe business logic " and generate a redirection URL based off the " appname. " Name value pair's DATA: lt_HTTPNVP TYPE TIHTTPNVP, ls_HTTPNVP TYPE IHTTPNVP. "Get the URL variables and save them into the table. runtime->server->request->GET_FORM_FIELDS( CHANGING FIELDS = lt_HTTPNVP ). "Get the variable from the table READ TABLE lt_HTTPNVP INTO ls_HTTPNVP WITH TABLE KEY NAME = 'appname'. "Save to the Page Attribute which will hold the redirection URL CASE ls_HTTPNVP-VALUE. WHEN 'redirect_example'. redirection_url = ''. WHEN OTHERS. redirection_url = ''. ENDCASE.
The URL I used to test the was http://***/sap/bc/bsp/sap/zbsp_redir/index.htm?appname=redirect_example
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